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UDC 65.01
Volkov Yuriy Ivanovich1, Parhomenko Alexander Viktorovich2, Gumelev Vasiliy Yuryevich3, Postnikov Aleksander Aleksandrovich4
1Ryazan high airborne command school name of the General of the army V. Margelov, associate professor
2Ryazan high airborne command school name of the General of the army V. Margelov, associate professor
3Ryazan high airborne command school name of the General of the army V. Margelov, candidate of technical Sciences
4Ryazan high airborne command school name of the General of the army V. Margelov, adjunct
1Ryazan high airborne command school name of the General of the army V. Margelov, associate professor
2Ryazan high airborne command school name of the General of the army V. Margelov, associate professor
3Ryazan high airborne command school name of the General of the army V. Margelov, candidate of technical Sciences
4Ryazan high airborne command school name of the General of the army V. Margelov, adjunct
In this article adopted in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation classification of military vehicles, it describes the main types and directions and prospects of development in the near future.
Keywords: military tracked vehicles, military vehicles, mobile facilities for maintenance and repair., roll-off containers, special chassis, trailers
Article reference:
Classification, types, directions and prospects of development of military vehicles // Modern technics and technologies. 2016. № 3 [Electronic journal]. URL:
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