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UDC 004
Makedonskiy Pavel Dmitrievich1, Ulamasova Evgeniya Petrovna2
1Nosov Magnitogosk State Technical University, 3rd year student of the Institute of Energy and automated systems
2Nosov Magnitogosk State Technical University, 4th year student of the Institute of Economics and Management
1Nosov Magnitogosk State Technical University, 3rd year student of the Institute of Energy and automated systems
2Nosov Magnitogosk State Technical University, 4th year student of the Institute of Economics and Management
Today there is a real opportunity with the help of simulations on modern multi-functional, the processing and display of information, such as Microsoft Visio, specify the type and characteristics of data models, to identify the main features of the future work of the operators, to formulate requirements to the parameters of the hardware-software interface, interaction, etc. Particular emphasis in the implementation of these objectives, the design and AIS development should, of course, give a modern CASE-tools programming, because they optimally allow you to design solutions that are based on, first of all, to a consistent user interface requirements, what is the interface Windows.
Article reference:
Modern methodology description of business processes // Modern technics and technologies. 2016. № 11. P. 2 [Electronic journal]. URL:
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