Articles by keyword «измельчение»

Articles in journal «Modern technics and technologies»

Моделирование рабочего процесса измельчающего аппарата корнеклубнемоек

№ 10 October 2014

Исследование влияния зазора в режущей паре на энергозатраты процесса измельчения

№ 3 March 2015

Articles in journal «Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management»

Yablochkov V.I. Improving of workflow of grinding apparatus vegetable washing machines

October, 2014

Articles in journal «Modern Scientific Researches and Innovations»

Gavrilov T.A. The influence of soft offal temperature on the grinding process energy intensity

June, 2014

Karpin V.Y., Patalaynen L.S. Overview of the factors that influence the energy consumption of feed grinding process

June, 2014

Yablochkov V.I. Improving the efficiency of grinding apparatus vegetable washing machines

October, 2014

Karpin V.Y. The influence of the sharpening angle of knife blade on the energy consumption of the chopping operation

March, 2015

Altynova A.E., Aidarova N.A., Sarkenov B.B. Research and development technology of production concrete using recycled waste of glass

April, 2015

Yushkov A.Y. Electropulse destruction of rocks

April, 2015

Gulyaev P.Y. Energy limits grinding nanopowders of oxide bronzes

July, 2016