Articles by keyword «military training center»

Articles in journal «Modern technics and technologies»

Этапы развития инженерной техники для производства землеройных работ

№ 2 February 2017

Articles in journal «Humanities Scientific Researches»

Kozlov P.G., Fediuk R.S. Use of opportunities of scientific-research work of students to improve the quality of training

January, 2016

Statsenko Y.N., Simonenko I.V. The long-term model of interaction of civil high schools, military schools and military units for training of reserve officers and personnel for the Army Signal Corps

March, 2016

Kozlov P.G., Fediuk R.S., Mochalov A.V., Timokhin A.M., Mutalibov Z.A. Research of psychological aspects of achieving military and professional readiness of students of military specialties

April, 2016

Kozlov P.G., Fediuk R.S., Yevdokimova Y.G. The influence of educational process on formation of readiness for military-professional activity of students of technical universities

June, 2016

Articles in journal «Modern Pedagogy»

Kozlov P.G., Fediuk R.S., Mochalov A.V., Timokhin A.M., Mutalibov Z.A. Independent work of students (cadets) in military institutions

March, 2016