Articles by keyword «user»

Articles in journal «Modern technics and technologies»

Тренажерная подготовка персонала как основа безаварийной работы предприятий энергетики

№ 8 August 2016

Articles in journal «Modern Scientific Researches and Innovations»

Barkova L.A., Lavrushina E.G. Necessity for development a web-represention for real astate agency

June, 2014

Tsyganova A.A. Necessity for development a web-represention for commercial organisation in Vladivostok

July, 2015

Belov S.V., Koryakov A.N., Iksanov S.S. Some external factors affecting the operations of the building information

September, 2015

Yamilov R.M. Substitute analysis of the economic entity

February, 2016